California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii) occurs from sea level to elevations of about 1,500 meters (5,200 feet). It has been extirpated from 70 percent of its former range and now is found primarily in coastal drainages of central California, from Marin County, California, south to northern Baja California, Mexico. The species requires a variety of habitat elements with aquatic breeding areas embedded within a matrix of riparian and upland dispersal habitats. Breeding sites of the California red-legged frog are in aquatic habitats including pools and backwaters within streams and creeks, ponds, marshes, springs, sag ponds, dune ponds and lagoons. Additionally, California red-legged frogs frequently breed in artificial impoundments such as stock ponds.

Federal Status


California Status


Survey Protocol

Home Range and Critical Habitat

Map Data Source: California Wildlife Habitat Relationship (CWHR)USFWS Critical Habitat Data Portal

Photo credits: header (cropped) – Greg Schechter on Flickr, featured image – CDFW on Flickr