Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog (Rana sierrae) is endemic to the Sierra Nevada of California and adjacent Nevada. The species spends most of its time directly at the water-land interface and is rarely found more than one meter away from water. On cold days and at night they move into deeper waters. Breeding at higher elevations occurs primarily in permanent lakes and ponds deeper than 4-meters. In lower elevation areas, most breeding takes place in low-gradient stretches of perennial streams.

Following breeding, frogs move to a wide variety of water bodies to forage, including streams, ephemeral ponds, marshes, and lakes. In late summer frogs leave ephemeral habitats as they begin to dry up and move to permanent water bodies. In the fall, frogs concentrate into deeper lakes and perennial streams in which they overwinter. Overwintering frogs occupy lake and stream bottoms, banks, near-shore bedrock
crevices, and springs.

Federal Status


California Status


Survey Protocol

Home Range and Critical Habitat