The California Native Plant Society (CNPS) has compiled a list of 500 common/dominant plant species native or naturalized to California that they consider the base knowledge needed to become a certified botanist in California. Below is the list of those species broken down by Families and Habit. Click on the plant to see details of that species and click on the Family name for a description of that Family.

*denotes naturalized species
– Genus listing with no species are those genus’ with many species that are difficult to identify by sight.

ADOXACEAE (Moschatel Family)

  • Sambucus nigra – blue elderberry – shrub
  • Sambucus racemosa – red elderberry – shrub

AGAVACEAE (Agave Family)

AIZOACEAE (Iceplant Family)

  • Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum* – slenderleaf iceplant – annual herb
  • Carpobrotus spp.* – sea fig & Hottentot fig – perennial herbs/shrubs

ALLIACEAE (Onion Family)

AMARANTHACEAE (Amaranth Family)

  • Amaranthus spp.* – amaranths, pigweeds – annual herbs


  • Malosma laurina – laurel sumac – shrub
  • Rhus integrifolia – lemonade berry – shrub
  • Schinus molle* – Peruvian pepper tree – tree
  • Schinus terebinthifolius* – Brazilian pepper tree – tree
  • Toxicodendron diversilobum – western poison oak – shrub/vine

APIACEAE (Parsley or Carrot Family)

  • Apiastrum angustifolium – wild celery, mock parsley – annual herb
  • Apium graveolens* – celery – perennial herb
  • Conium maculatum* – poison-hemlock – annual herb
  • Daucus pusillus – southwestern carrot – annual herb
  • Eryngium spp. – coyote thistle – perennial herb
  • Foeniculum vulgare* – sweet fennel – perennial herb
  • Heracleum maximum – cowparsnip – perennial herb
  • Lomatium dasycarpum – hog fennel – perennial herb
  • Sanicula arguta – Southern California sanicle – perennial herb
  • Sanicula bipinnatifida – purple sanicle – perennial herb
  • Sanicula crassicaulis – Pacific sanicle – perennial herb
  • Tauschia spp. – Tauschias – perennial herb
  • Torilis arvensis* – hedge parsley – annual herb

APOCYNACEAE (Dogbane Family)

  • Apocynum androsaemifolium – bitter dogbane – perennial herb
  • Apocynum cannabinum – Indian hemp – perennial herb
  • Asclepias spp. – milkweeds – perennial herbs

ARALIACEAE (Ginseng Family)

  • Hedera spp. – ivy – perennial vine

ARECACEAE (Palm Family)

  • Washingtonia robusta – Mexican fan palm – tree

ASTERACEAE (Daisy or Sunflower Family)

  • Achillea mellefolium – white yarrow – perennial herb
  • Achyrachaena mollis – blow-wives – annual herb
  • Acourtia microcephala – Sacapellote – perennial herb
  • Agoseris retrorsa – spear-leaved mountain dandelion – perennial herb
  • Ambrosia acanthicarpa – burweed – annual herb
  • Ambrosia chamissonis – beach bur – perennial herb/shrub
  • Ambrosia psilostachya var. californica – western ragweed – biennial herb
  • Ambrosia salsola – burrowbrush – shrub
  • Artemisia californica – California sagebrush – shrub
  • Artemisia douglasiana – mugwort – perennial herb
  • Artemisia dracunculus – tarragon – perennial herb
  • Artemisia tridentata – Great Basin sagebrush – shrub
  • Baccharis pilularis – coyote brush – shrub
  • Baccharis salicifolia – mulefat – shrub
  • Blennosperma nanum – common stickyseed – annual herb
  • Brickellia californica – California brickelbush – shrub
  • Carduus pycnocephalus* – Italian thistle – annual herb
  • Centaurea melitensis* – tocalote – annual herb
  • Centaurea solstitialis* – yellow star-thistle – annual herb
  • Centromadia pungens – common spikeweed – annual herb
  • Chaenactis ssp. – Douglas’ dustymaiden – annual/perennial herbs
  • Cirsium arvense* – Canada thistle – biennial herb
  • Cirsium occidentale – California thistle – biennial herb
  • Cirsium vulgare* – bull thistle – biennial herb
  • Conyza [Erigeron] canadensis – common horseweed – annual herb
  • Corethrogyne filaginifolia – California cudweed-aster – perennial herb
  • Cynara cardunculus* – artichoke thistle – perennial herb
  • Deinandra fasciculata – fasciculated tarplant – annual herb
  • Dittrichia graveolens* – stinkwort – perennial herb
  • Encelia californica – California bush sunflower – shrub
  • Ericameria bloomeri – Bloomer’s goldenbush – shrub
  • Ericameria linerifolia – interior goldenbush – shrub
  • Ericameria nauseosa – rubber rabbitbrush – shrub
  • Erigeron foliosus – leafy fleabane or daisy – perennial herb
  • Eriophyllum confertiflorum – golden yarrow – perennial herb
  • Eriophyllum lanatum – woolly sunflower – perennial herb
  • Euthamia occidentalis – western goldenrod – perennial herb
  • Gnaphalium palustre – lowland cudweed – annual herb
  • Hazardia squarrosa – sawtooth goldenbush – shrub
  • Helenium bigelovii – sneezeweed – perennial herb
  • Helianthus annuus – common sunflower – annual herb
  • Helminthotheca [Picris] echioides* – bristly ox-tongue – annual herb
  • Heterotheca grandiflora – telegraph weed – perennial herb
  • Heterotheca sessiliflora – hairy goldenaster – perennial herb
  • Holocarpha virgata – common tarweed – annual herb
  • Isocoma menziesii – coastal goldenbush – shrub
  • Lactuca serriola* – prickly wild lettuce – annual herb
  • Lasthenia spp. – goldenfields – annual herbs
  • Layia glandulosa – white layia – annual herb
  • Lepidospartum squamatum – scalebroom – shrub
  • Leptosyne bigelovii – Bigelow coreopsis – annual herb
  • Madia elegans – common tarplant – annual herb
  • Malacothrix coulteri – snake heads – annual herb
  • Malacothrix saxatilis – tenuated cliff-aster – perennial herb
  • Matricaria discoidea* – pineappleweed – annual herb
  • Pseudognaphalium bioletti – bicolored everlasting – annual/biennial herb
  • Pseudognaphalium californicum – green everlasting – annual/biennial herb
  • Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum* – cudweed everlasting – annual herb
  • Pseudognaphalium microcephalum – white everlasting – annual herb
  • Pseudognaphalium stramineum – western everlasting – annual/biennial herb
  • Rafinesquia californica – chicory – annual herb
  • Senecio aronicoides – California groundsel – perennial herb
  • Senecio flaccidus var. – shrubby butterweed – shrub
  • Senecio triangularis – arrowleaf ragwort – perennial herb
  • Senecio vulgaris* – common groundsel – annual herb
  • Silybum marianum* – milk thistle – annual herb
  • Sonchus asper* – prickly sow-thistle – annual herb
  • Sonchus oleraceus* – common sow-thistle – annual herb
  • Stephanomeria virgata – twiggy wreath plant – annual herb
  • Uropappus lindleyi – silver puffs – annual herb
  • Wyethia ssp. – mule ears – perennial herb
  • Xanthium spp. – spiny or spring clotbur – annual herb

AZOLLACEAE (Azolla Family)

  • Azolla filiculoides – duckweed fern – annual fern (aquatic)

BERBERIDACEAE (Barberry Family)

  • Berberis aquifolium – Oregon-grape – shrub

BETULACEAE (Birch Family)

  • Alnus rhombifolia – white alder – tree
  • Corylus cornuta – beaked hazelnut – shrub

BLECHNACEAE (Chain Fern Family)

  • Woodwardia fimbriata – giant chain fern – perennial fern

BORAGINACEAE (Forget-Me-Not Family)

  • Cryptantha spp. – forget-me-nots – annual herb
  • Cynoglossum grande – Hound’s tongue – perennial herb
  • Emmenanthe penduliflora – whispering bells – annual herb
  • Eriodictyon californicum – California yerba santa – shrub
  • Eriodictyon crassifolium – thickleaf yerba santa – shrub
  • Pectocarya setosa – setose pectocarya – annual herb
  • Phacelia spp. – Phacelias – annual herb

BRASSICACEAE (Mustard Family)

  • Athysanus pusillus – Athysanus – annual herb
  • Barbarea orthoceras – American rocket – perennial herb
  • Boechera spp. – rock cresses – prennial herb
  • Brassica nigra* – black mustard – annual herb
  • Cakile maritima* – sea rocket – annual herb
  • Capsella bursa-pastoris* – shepherd’s purse – annual herb
  • Caulanthus inflatus – desert candle – annual herb
  • Erysimum capitatum – western wallflower – annual/biennial herb
  • Herschfeldia incana* – summer mustard – perennial herb
  • Nasturtium officinale* – water cress – perennial herb
  • Raphanus sativus* – wild radish – annual herb
  • Sisymbrium orientale* – eastern mustard – annual herb
  • Stanleya pinnata – desert princesplume – perennial herb/shrub
  • Streptanthus tortuosus – mountain jewelflower – annual/perennial herb
  • Thysanocarpus spp. – fringe & lace pods – annual herb

CACTACEAE (Cactus Family)

  • Cylindropuntia bigelovii – teddybear cholla – shrub
  • Opuntia basilaris – bearvertail cactus – shrub
  • Opuntia littoralis – coastal prickly pear – shrub

CALYCANTHACEAE (Spicebush Family)

  • Calycanthus occidentalis – spicebush – shrub

CAPRIFOLIACEAE (Honeysuckle Family)

  • Lonicera interrupta – chaparral honeysuckle – perennial vine
  • Lonicera involucrata – twinberry honeysuckle – shrub
  • Lonicera subspicata – southern honeysuckle – shrub


  • Minuartia douglasii – Douglas sandwort – annual herb
  • Silene gallica* – windmill pink – annual herb
  • Silene laciniata – Mexican pink – perennial herb

CHENOPODIACEAE (Goosefoot Family)

  • Allenrolfea occidentalis – iodine bush – shrub
  • Atriplex canescens – fourwing saltbush – shrub
  • Atriplex semibaccata* – Australian saltbush – perennial herb
  • Chenopodium californicum – California goosefoot – perennial herb
  • Chenopodium murale* – nettle-leaved goosefoot – annual herb
  • Extriplex [Atriplex] californica – California orach – shrub
  • Salsola tragus* – Russian thistle, tumbleweed – annual herb
  • Suaeda nigra – bush seepweed – shrub
  • Suaeda taxifolia – woolly seablite – shrub

CLEOMACEAE (Beeplant Family)

  • Peritoma arborea – bladderpod – shrub

CONVOLVULACEAE (Morning Glory Family)

  • Calystegia spp. – morning-glorys – perennial vines
  • Convolvulus arvensis* – bindweed – perennial vine
  • Cuscuta californica – California dodder

CORNACEAE (Dogwood Family)

  • Cornus nuttallii – western dogwood – tree
  • Cornus sericea – creek dogwood – shrub

CRASSULACEAE (Live-Forever Family)

  • Crassula connata – pygmy [sand-]weed – annual herb
  • Dudleya cymosa – canyon live-forever – perennial herb
  • Dudleya pulverulenta – chalky live-forever – perennial herb
  • Sedum spathulifolium – Pacific stonecrop – perennial herb

CUCURBITACEAE (Cucumber Family)

  • Cucurbita foetidissima – calabizilla – perennial vine
  • Marah fabacea – California man-root – perennial vine

CUPRESSACEAE (Cypress Family)

  • Calocedrus decurrens – incense-cedar – tree
  • Hesperocyparis spp. – cypress – tree
  • Juniperus californica – California juniper – shrub
  • Juniperus occidentalis – western juniper – shrub
  • Sequoia sempervirens – coast redwood – tree
  • Sequoiadendron giganteum – giant sequoia – tree

CYPERACEAE (Sedge Family)


  • Datisca glomerata – Durango root – perennial herb


  • Pteridium aquilinum – western brackenfern – perennial fern

DIPSACACEAE (Teasel Family)

  • Dipsacus fullonum & sativus* – teasel – biennial herb


  • Dryopteris arguta – coastal or marginal wood fern – perennial fern
  • Polystichum spp. – sword ferns – perennial ferns

EPHEDRACEAE (Joint-Fir Family)

  • Ephedra viridis – green ephedra – shrub

EQUISETACEAE (Horsetail Family)

  • Equisetum arvense – common horsetail rush – perennial fern
  • Equisetum laevigatum – smooth scouring-rush – perennial fern

ERICACEAE (Heather Family)

  • Arbutus menziesii – Pacific madrone – tree
  • Arctostaphylos spp. – manzanitas – shrubs
  • Gaultheria shallon – salal – shrub
  • Kalmia polifolia – mountain laurel – shrub
  • Pterospora andromedea – pinedrops – perennial herb
  • Rhododendron columbianum – western Labrador tea – shrub
  • Rhododendron macrophyllum – coast thododendron – shrub
  • Rhododendron occidentale – western azalea – shrub
  • Vaccinium ovatum – evergreen huckleberry – shrub
  • Vaccinium parvifolium – red huckleberry


  • Chamaesyce [Euphorbia] albomarginata – rattlesnake spurge – annual herb
  • Croton californicus – California croton – perennial herb
  • Eremocarpus [Croton] setiger – dove weed/turkey mullein – annual herb
  • Euphorbia spp.* – spurges – perennial herbs
  • Ricinus communis* – castor bean – shrub

FABACEAE (Pea Family)

  • Acacia dealbata* – silver wattle – shrub/tree
  • Acmispon [Lotus] spp. – lotus or Hosackia – annual/perennial herbs
  • Amorpha californica – California false indigo – shrub
  • Astragalus spp. – milkvetches/locoweeds – annual herbs
  • Cercis occidentalis – western redbud – shrub/tree
  • Cytisus scoparius* – Scotch broom – shrub
  • Genista monspessulana* – French broom – shrub
  • Lathyrus latifolius* – everlasting pea – perennial vine
  • Lathyrus sulphureus – snub pea – perennial vine
  • Lathyrus vestitus – Pacific peavine – perennial vine
  • Lupinus spp. – lupines – shrubs
  • Medicago polymorpha* – common burclover – annual herb
  • Melilotus alba* – white sweetclover – annual/biennial herb
  • Melilotus indica* – yellow sweetclover – annual herb
  • Pickeringia montana – chaparral pea – shrub
  • Prosopis glandulosa – honey mequite – shrub/tree
  • Psorothamnus spinosus – smoke tree – tree
  • Robinia pseudoacacia* – black locust – tree
  • Senegalia greggii – catclaw – tree
  • Spartium junceum* – Spanish broom – shrub
  • Thermopsis californica – California false-lupine – perennial herb
  • Trifolium spp. – clovers – annual herb
  • Vicia sativa – common vetch – annual herb
  • Vicia villosa – winter/hairy vetch – annual herb

FAGACEAE (Oak Family)

  • Chrysolepis chrysoplylla – giant chinquapin – tree
  • Chrysolepis sempervirens – bush chinquapin – shrub
  • Notholithocarpus densiflorus – tanoak – shrub/tree
  • Quercus agrifolia – coast live oak – tree
  • Quercus berberidifolia – California scrub oak – shrub
  • Quercus chrysolepis – canyon live oak – tree
  • Quercus douglasii – blue oak – tree
  • Quercus garryana – Oregon white oak – tree
  • Quercus john-tuckeri – Tucker oak – shrub
  • Quercus kelloggii – black oak – tree
  • Quercus lobata – valley oak – tree
  • Quercus vaccinifolia – Huckleberry oak – shrub
  • Quercus wislizeni – interior live oak – tree

FRANKENIACEAE (Sea-Heath Family)

  • Freankenia salina – alkali heath – perennial herb

FUMARIACEAE (Fumaria Family)

  • Ehrendorferia chrysantha – golden eardrops – perennial herb

GARRYACEAE (Silk-Tassel Family)

  • Garrya spp. – silk-tassel bushes – shrubs

GERANIACEAE (Geranium/Cranesbill Family)

  • Erodium botrys* – broadleaf filaree – annual herb
  • Erodium cicutarium* – redstem filaree – annual herb

GROSSULARIACEAE (Gooseberry Family)

  • Ribes aureum – golden currant – shrub
  • Ribes cereum – wax currant – shrub
  • Ribes malvaceum – chaparral currant – shrub
  • Ribes nevadense – Sierra currant – shrub
  • Ribes roezlii – Sierra gooseberry – shrub

HYDROPHYLLACEAE (Waterleaf Family)

  • Nemophila maculata – five spot – annual herb
  • Nemophila menziesii – baby blue-eyes – annual herb

HYPERICACEAE (St. John’s Wort Family)

  • Hypericum perforatum* – St. John’s wort – perennial herb

IRIDACEAE (Iris Family)

  • Iris douglasiana – Douglas iris – perennial grass
  • Iris macrosiphon – ground iris – perennial grass
  • Iris missouriensis – Missouri iris – perennial grass
  • Iris pseudacorus* – iris – perennial grass
  • Sisyrinchium bellum – blue-eyed grass – perennial herb

JUGLANDACEAE (Walnut Family)

  • Juglans californica – Southern California black walnut – tree
  • Juglans hindsii – Northern California black walnut – tree

JUNCACEAE (Rush Family)

  • Juncus balticus – Baltic rush – perennical grass
  • Juncus bufonius – common toad rush – annual grass
  • Juncus mexicanus – Mexican rush – perennial grass
  • Juncus xiphioides – iris-leaved rush – perennial grass

LAMIACEAE (Mint Family)

  • Marrubium vulgare* – white horehound – shrub
  • Monardella spp. – coyote mint – annual/perennial herb
  • Pogogyne spp. – mesamint – annual herb
  • Prunella vulgaris – selfheal – perennial herb
  • Salvia apiana – white sage – shrub
  • Salvia columbariae – chia – annual herb
  • Salvia leucophylla – purple sage – shrub
  • Salvia mellifera – black sage – shrub
  • Salvia sonomensis – Sonoma sage – shrub
  • Stachys spp. – hedge nettles – perennial herbs
  • Trichostema lanatum – woolly bluecurls – shrub

LAURACEAE (Laurel Family)

  • Umbellularia californica – California bay – tree

LILIACEAE (Lily Family)

  • Calochortus spp. – mariposa lilies – perennial grass
  • Erythronium spp. – fawn lily – perennial grass
  • Lilium humboldtii – Humboldt lily – perennial grass
  • Lilium pardalinum – leopard lily – perennial grass

LIMNANTHACEAE (Meadowfoam Family)

  • Limnanthes alba – white meadowfoam – annual herb

LINACEAE (Flax Family)

  • Linaria dalmatica* – dalmatian toadflax – perennial herb

LOASACEAE (Blazing Star Family)

  • Mentzelia laevicaulis – blazing star – perennial herb

LYTHRACEAE (Loosestrife Family)

  • Lythrum hyssopifolia* – Hyssop loosestrife – perennial herb
  • Lythrum salicaria* – purple loosestrife – perennial herb

MALVACEAE (Mallow Family)

  • Eremalche rotundifolia – desert five-spot – annual herb
  • Fremontodendron californicum – California flannel bush – shrub
  • Malacothamnus spp. – bushmallows – shrub
  • Malva parviflora* – cheeseweed – annual herb
  • Sidalcea spp. – checkerblooms, globemallows – perennial herbs

MARSILEACEAE (Pepperwort Family)

  • Marsilea vestita – hairy waterclover – perennial fern

MELANTHIACEAE (Bunchflower Family)

  • Toxicoscordion [Zigadenus] fremontii – star lily – perennial herb
  • Veratrum californicum – California corn-lily – perennial herb

MONTIACEAE (Miner’s Lettuce Family)

  • Calandrinia ciliata – redmaids – annual herb
  • Calyptridium monandrum – common Calyptridium – annual herb
  • Calyptridium umbellatum – pussy paws – annual herb
  • Claytonia parviflora – small-flowered miner’s lettuce – annual herb
  • Claytonia perfoliata – miner’s lettuce – annual herb

MORACEAE (Mulberry Family)

  • Ficus carica* – common fig – tree/shrub

MYRICACEAE (Wax Myrtle Family)

  • Morella [Myrica] californica – California myrtle – tree/shrub

MYRSINACEAE (Myrsine Family)

  • Lysimachia arvensis [Anagallis arvensis]* – scarlet pimpernel – annual herb

MYRTACEAE (Myrtle Family)

  • Eucalyptus camaldulensis* – river red gum – tree
  • Eucalyptus globulus* Tasmanian blue gum – tree

NYCTAGINACEAE (Four O’Clock Family)

  • Abronia spp. – sand-verbena – perennial herb

OLEACEAE (Olive Family)

  • Fraxinus dipetala – California flowering ash – tree
  • Fraxinus latifolia – Oregon ash – tree

ONAGRACEAE (Evening-Primrose Family)

  • Camissonia campestris – Mojave sun-cup – annual herb
  • Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia – beach primrose – perennial herb
  • Camissoniopsis hirtella – small-haired primrose – annual herb
  • Chamerion [Epilobium] angustifolium – fireweed – perennial herb
  • Clarkia spp. – Clarkia – annual herb
  • Epilobium canum – California fuschsia – perennial herb
  • Epilobium ciliatum – northern willow-herb – annual herb
  • Eremothera boothii sspp. – Booth shreading primrose – annual herb
  • Gayophytum diffusum – diffuse Gayophytum – annual herb

ORCHIDACEAE (Orchid Family)

  • Corallorhiza maculata – spotted coralroot – perennial herb
  • Epipactis gigantea – stream orchid – perennial herb
  • Platanthera dilatata – Sierra bog orchid – perennial herb

OROBANCHACEAE (Broom-Rape Family)

  • Castilleja affinis – Lay-and-Collie’s Indian paintbrush – perennial herb
  • Castilleja applegatei ssp. martinii – Martin Indian paintbrush – perennial herb
  • Castilleja exserta – purple owl’s clover – annual herb
  • Castilleja miniata – great red paintbrush – perennial herb
  • Castilleja subinclusa – long-leaved Indian paintbrush – perennial herb
  • Cordylanthus rigidus – rigid birds-beak – annual herb
  • Orobanche fasciculata – clustered broom-rape – perennial herb
  • Pedicularis densiflora – Indian warrior – perennial herb

OXALIDACEAE (Wood Sorrel Family)

  • Oxalis oregana – redwood sorrel – perennial herb
  • Oxalis pes-caprae* – Bermuda buttercup – perennial herb


  • Argemone munita – prickly poppy – annual herb
  • Dendromecon rigida – bush poppy – shrub
  • Dicentra formosa – bleeding heart – perennial herb
  • Eschscholzia californica – California poppy – annual herb
  • Platystemon californicus – cream cups – annual herb

PHRYMACEAE (Lopseed Family)

  • Diplacus [Mimulus] aurantiacus – bush monkeyflower – shrub
  • Diplacus [Mimulus] calycinus – fuzzy bush monkeyflower – shrub
  • Diplacus [Mimulus] aurantiacus – sticky bush monkeyflower – shrub

PINACEAE (Pine Family)

  • Abies concolor/lowiana – California white fir – tree
  • Abies magnifica – red fir – tree
  • Pinus attenuata – knobcone pine – tree
  • Pinus contorta – lodgepole/beach pine – tree
  • Pinus jeffreyi – Jeffrey pine – tree
  • Pinus lambertiana – sugar pine – tree
  • Pinus monophylla – singleleaf pinyon pine – tree
  • Pinus ponderosa – Ponderosa pine – tree
  • Pinus radiata – Monterey pine – tree
  • Pinus sabiniana – gray or foothill pine – tree
  • Pseudotsuga menziesii – Douglas-fir – tree
  • Tsuga mertensiana – western hemlock – tree

PLANTAGINACEAE (Plantain Family)

  • Antirrhinum multiflorum – sticky snapdragon – shrub
  • Collinsia heterophylla – Chinese houses – annual herb
  • Collomia grandiflora – large-flowered Collomia – annual herb
  • Keckiella spp. – bush penstemons – shrub
  • Penstemon centranthifloius – scarlet bugler – perennial herb
  • Penstemon heterophyllus – mountain Penstemon – perennial herb
  • Plantago erecta – California plantain – annual herb
  • Plantago lanceolata* – narrowlear or English plantain – perennial herb
  • Plantago major* – broadleaf plantain – annual herb
  • Triphysaria eriantha – Johnny-tuck – annual herb
  • Veronica anagallis-aquatica – water or common speedwell – perennial herb
  • Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis – purslane speedwell – annual herb

PLATANACEAE (Plane Tree Family)

  • Platanus racemosa – western sycamore – tree

POACEAE (Grass Family)

  • Aegilops spp.* – goatgrass – annual grass
  • Ammophila arenaria* – European beachgrass – perennial grass
  • Arundo donax* – giant reed – perennial grass
  • Avena spp.* – oats – annual grass
  • Briza spp.* – quaking grasses – annual grasses
  • Bromus carinatus – California Brome – perennial grass
  • Bromus diandrus* – ripgut grass – annual grass
  • Bromus hordeaceus* – soft chess – annual grass
  • Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens* – red brome – annual grass
  • Bromus tectorum* – cheat grass – annual grass
  • Cynodon dactylon* – Bermuda grass – perennial grass
  • Distichlis spicata – saltgrass – perennial grass
  • Elymus caput-medusae* – Medusa head – perennial grass
  • Elymus condensatus – giant wildrye – perennial grass
  • Elymus elymoides – bottlebrush squirreltail – perennial grass
  • Elymus glaucus – blue or woodland wildrye – perennial grass
  • Elymus triticoides – creeping wildrye – perennial grass
  • Festuca arundinacea* – tall fescue – perennial grass
  • Festuca californica – California fescue – perennial grass
  • Festuca idahoensis – blue fescue – perennial grass
  • Festuca rubra – red fescue – perennial grass
  • Hordeum marinum* – Mediterranean barley – annual grass
  • Hordeum murinum* – summer barley – annual grass
  • Koeleria macrantha – Junegrass – perennial grass
  • Lamarckia aurea* – goldentop – annual grass
  • Lolium multiflorum [Festuca perennis]* – Italian ryegrass – annual grass
  • Melica californica – California melic grass – perennial grass
  • Melica imperfecta – coast melic grass – perennial grass
  • Pennisetum setaceum* – African fountain grass – perennial grass
  • Poa bulbosa* – bulbous bluegrass – perennial grass
  • Poa pratensis* – Kentucky bluegrass – perennial grass
  • Poa secunda – one-sided bluegrass – perennial grass
  • Polypogon monspeliensis* – rabbitsfoot or annual beardgrass – annual grass
  • Stipa hymenoides – Indian ricegrass – perennial grass
  • Stipa miliacea* – Smilo grass – perennial grass
  • Vulpia [Festuca] spp. – fescues – annual grasses


  • Allophyllum glutinosum – sticky Allophyllum – annual herb
  • Eriastrum signatum – maroon-spotted woolly star – annual herb
  • Gilia capitata ssp. abrotanifolia – blue field gilia – annual herb
  • Gilia ochroleuca – desert gilia – annual herb
  • Gilia tricolor – bird’s eye gilia – annual herb
  • Ipomopsis aggregata – scarlet gilia – perennial herb
  • Leptosiphon aureus – desert gold – annual herb
  • Leptosiphon parviflorus – yellow linanthus – annual herb
  • Linanthus pungens – granite prickly phlox – shrub
  • Saltugilia splendens – splendid woodland-gilia – annual herb

POLYGALACEAE (Milkwort Family)

  • Polygala cornuta – milkwort – shrub

POLYGONACEAE (Buckwheat Family)

  • Eriogonum spp. – annual buckwheat species – annual herb
  • Eriogonum cinereum – ash or gray coast buckwheat – shrub
  • Eriogonum elongatum – long-stemmed buckwheat – perennial herb
  • Eriogonum fasciculatum – leafy California buckwheat – shrub
  • Eriogonum nudum – barestem buckwheat – perennial herb
  • Eriogonum parvifolium – dune buckwheat – shrub
  • Eriogonum umbellatum – Munz yellow buckwheat – shrub
  • Polygonum aviculare ssp. depressum* – common knotweed or doorweed – annual herb
  • Rumex acetosella* – sheep sorrel – perennial herb

POLYPODIACEAE (Polypody Family)

  • Polypodium spp. – polypody fern – perennial fern

PORTULACACEAE (Purslane Family)

  • Portulaca oleracea* – common purslane – annual herb

PRIMULACEAE (Primrose Family)

  • Primula [Dodecatheon] hendersonii – Henderson’s shooting-star – perennial herb
  • Primula [Dodecatheon] jeffreyi – Sierra shooting-star – perennial herb

PTERIDACEAE (Brake Fern Family)

  • Adiantum aleuticum – five-finger maidenhair – perennial fern
  • Adiantum jordanii – California maidenhair – perennial fern
  • Aspidotis densa – lace fern – perennial fern
  • Pellaea andromedifolia – coffee fern – perennial fern
  • Pellaea mucronata – birdsfoot cliffbrake or fern – perennial fern
  • Pentagramma triangularis – goldenback fern – perennial fern

RANUNCULACEAE (Buttercup Family)

  • Aconitum columbianum – monkshood – perennial herb
  • Aquilegia formosa – western columbine – perennial herb
  • Clematis lasiantha – pipestem clematis – perennial vine
  • Clematis ligusticifolia – virgin’s bower – perennial vine
  • Delphinium cardinale – scarlet larkspur – perennial herb
  • Delphinium nudicaule – canyon larkspur – perennial herb
  • Delphinium parishii – pale-flowered larkspur – perennial herb
  • Delphinium parryi – Parry larkspur – perennial herb
  • Ranunculus occidentalis – western buttercup – perennial herb

RHAMNACEAE (Buckthorn Family)

  • Ceanothus spp. – ceanothus – shrubs
  • Frangula californica ssp. tomentella – hoary coffeeberry – shrub
  • Rhamnus crocea – spiny redberry – shrub
  • Rhamnus ilicifolia – hollyleaf redberry, buckthorn – shrub

ROSACEAE (Rose Family)

  • Adenostoma fasciculatum – chamise – shrub
  • Cercocarpus betuloides – birchleaf mountain mahogany – shrub
  • Cercocarpus ledifolius – curl leaf mountain mahogany – shrub
  • Chamaebatia foliolosa – mountain misery – shrub
  • Drymocallis glandulosa – sticky cinquifoil – perennial herb
  • Heteromeles arbutifolia – toyon – shrub
  • Holodiscus discolor – cream bush – shrub
  • Oemleria cerasiformis – oso berry – shrub
  • Prunus emarginata – bitter cherry – shrub
  • Prunus ilicifolia – hollyleaf cherry – shrub
  • Prunus virginiana – western chokecherry – shrub
  • Purshia tridentata – bitterbrush – shrub
  • Rosa californica – California wild rose – shrub
  • Rosa gymnocarpa – wood rose – shrub
  • Rubus armeniacus* – Himalayan blackberry – shrub
  • Rubus parviflorus – thimbleberry – shrub
  • Rubus ursinus – Pacific blackberry – shrub

RUBIACEAE (Coffee Family)

  • Cephalanthus occidentalis – button willow – shrub
  • Galium ssp. – bedstraws – shrubs
  • Galium andrewsii – pine mat – perennial herb
  • Galium aparine – goosegrass – annual herb

RUSCACEAE (Butcher’s-Broom Family)

  • Maianthemum racemosum – false Solomon seal – perennial herb

SALICACEAE (Willow Family)

  • Populus fremontii – Fremont cottonwood – tree
  • Populus tremuloides – quaking aspen – tree
  • Populus trichocarpa – black cottonwood – tree
  • Salix spp. – willows – shrub/tree

SAPINDACEAE (Soapberry Family)

  • Acer glabrum – Rocky Mountain maple – shrub
  • Acer macrophyllum – bigleaf maple – tree
  • Acer negundo – box elder – shrub/tree
  • Aesculus californica – California buckeye – shrub/tree

SARRACENIACEAE (Pitcher Plant Family)

  • Darlingtonia californica – California pitcher plant – perennial herb

SAURURACEAE (Lizard’s-Tail Family)

  • Anemopsis californica – yerba mansa – perennial herb

SAXIFRAGACEAE (Saxifrage Family)

  • Heuchera micrantha – crevice alumroot – perennial herb

SCROPHULARIACEAE (Snapdragon Family)

  • Scrophularia californica – California figwort – perennial herb
  • Verbascum thapsus – woolly mullein – biennial herb

SIMAROUBACEAE (Quassia Family)

  • Ailanthus altissima* – tree of heaven – tree

SOLANACEAE (Nightshade Family)

  • Datura wrightii – Jimson weed – annual herb
  • Nicotiana glauca* – tree tobacco – shrub
  • Solanum douglasii – Douglas nightshade – perennial herb
  • Solanum elaeagnifolium* – silverleaf nightshade – shrub
  • Solanum xanti – chaparral nightshade

TAMARICACEAE (Tamarisk Family)

  • Tamarix spp.* – tamarisks – tree/shrub

TAXACEAE (Yew Family)

  • Taxus brevifolia – Pacific yew – tree

THEMIDACEAE (Brodiaea Family)

  • Bloomeria crocea – goldenstars – perennial grass
  • Brodiaea spp. – Brodiaeas – perennial grasses
  • Dichelostemma capitatum – blue dicks – perennial grass
  • Triteleia hyacinthina – wild hyacinth – perennial herb
  • Triteleia laxa – grass nuts – perennial herb

TYPHACEAE (Cattail Family)

  • Typha spp. – cattail – perennial herb

URTICACEAE (Nettle Family)

  • Urtica dioica ssp. holosericea – hoary or giant stinging nettle – perennial herb

VERBENACEAE (Verbena Family)

  • Verbena lasiostachys – western verbena – annual herb

VIOLACEAE (Violet Family)

  • Viola pupurea – goosefoot violet – perennial herb

VISCACEAE (Mistletoe Family)

  • Arceuthobium campylopodum – western dwarf mistletoe – perennial herb
  • Phoradendron leucarpum ssp. tomentosum – oak or hairy mistletoe – perennial herb

VITACEAE (Grape Family)

  • Vitis californica – California wild grape – perennial vine

WOODSIACEAE (Lady Fern Family)

  • Athyrium filix-femina – lady fern – perennial fern


  • Larrea tridentata – creosote bush – shrub
  • Tribulus terrestris* – puncture vine – annual herb